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Math 100
Math 100

Professor Quirarte's Website » Math 100 Home

Welcome to Math 100

Roger Bacon, the English philosopher and scientist, wrote
" Mathematics is the gate and key of the sciences"...Neglect of mathematics works injury to all knowledge, since he who is ignorant of it cannot know the other sciences or the things of this world." This is the first course enabling you to turn the "key" to mathematics. Math is the basis for a number of subjects that you will use in your daily lives.

I have designed this course for your success and enjoyment. Embedded in my class site are numerous links to web pages that are intended to enhance your learning and understanding of mathematics. I have included tutoring sites, power point presentations on key concepts, guided solutions to homework problems, how to study for tests, how to take a test, and sample exams.

While these pages offer a brief overview of the course, your actual coursework will take place inside the Course Compass and MyMathLab web sites. The course orientation for online students will be held on January 14th 5:30-7:00 pm in room T-117. This orientation will provide hands on instruction and handouts on using both Course Compass and Blackboard.This orientation is mandatory if you wish to be enrolled in this online course.

If you are enrolled in the on campus distance education
televised class offered on M/W from 2:30-3:45pm, orientation will take place the day of class. You will be using both the Course Compass and the Los Rios Blackboard site. You can access Los Rios Blackboard at the following URL: This link opens in a new browser window. Inside Blackboard you will find the quizzes, learning units, presentations on material you are expected to master, handouts to be turned in at the time of the exam, practice exams, external websites for online tutoring and projects, and a link to the online homework. Since you will be accessing two different sites, each of which requires a user id and password, I suggest that your user id and password for each of these be the same. To login to Blackboard, the user id is"w" followed by your student id number...the default password is your birthday in the form MMDDYYYY.

Again, welcome to my site and I look forward to meeting you all at the orientation meeting.






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