Geology 306 -- Earth Science Lab -- Fall 2019

Course description:

This course emphasizes scientific methods and systematic laboratory procedures.  Topics include weather analysis, rock and mineral identification, study of geologic concepts by means of topographic maps, and exercises in astronomy and oceanography.  

Learning Outcomes:

SLO#1: Apply the Scientific Method to evaluating Earth science processes.
SLO#2: Evaluate temporal and spatial dimensions in which Earth originated and exists in the solar sytem.
SLO#3: Apply plate tectonic theory to formulate geologic settings for physical processes.
SLO#4: Examine how we determine Earth's interior and solid surface compositions.
SLO#5: Investigate how different components of atmospheric change contribute to weather and climate.
SLO#6: Survey Earth's basic marine processes.
SLO#7: Collect, measure, and/or analyze geologic information using common instruments and tools.

Class time:

Monday and Wednesday, noon - 1:20 PM. There will be no class scheduled for Monday, September 2 in honor of the Labor Day Holiday.  The last day of regular class is Wednesday, Dec.11.     

The final presentations are scheduled for Monday, December 16  from 12:45 to 2:45 PM.

Class room:

Cosumnes River College, SCI-111


Hiram Jackson
tel: (916) 691-7605 (rollover to voicemail)

Teaching style:

15-20 minute introductory/review lecture, followed by student activities.


Copies of some class materials may be available on the class webpage at, as well as on the class page on Canvas. If you do not have ready access to the internet, you can access it through various computer centers on campus.  If you are unfamiliar with how to use Canvas, please consult with me outside of class.


This course is worth one unit.  This class is transferable to CSU Sacramento.

Students intending to pursue a teaching credential will find this class most useful.  This course also fulfills GE requirements for other degree plans


Students must have taken or be currently taking Geology 305, Earth Science Lecture

Office hours:

Monday: 1:30 - 2:30 p.m.
Wednesday: 8 - 9 a.m.

Tuesday/Thursday, 1:30 - 2:30 p.m.
Certain Fridays, 11-noon (see class schedule for specific dates)
or by appointment, room SCI 111
Please see my class schedule for more information.

Textbook, materials:

Most lab materials will be provided in class.  Students will be responsible for pen, pencil, and calculator.


There are no formal exams, but a final poster project will be required


Lab activities: 60%
Lab binder: 15%
Final: 25%

Guaranteed grades will be calculated on the following scale:

90-100% A, 80-89% B, 70-79% C, 60-69% D, <60 oops!

No specific assignments are "curved," although the final grade intervals might be adjusted, according to my evaluation.  But the grade intervals shown above are the guaranteed grades

At any time, current individual grades are available from the gradebook option on Canvas.

Grades are a measure of your performance on assignments and tests in this class, and are not to be interpreted as any reflection of what I think of you as a person.  We hope that this measure of performance shows how well you understand and master the class material.  If you have comments or suggestions, please contact me.

Grade Discrepancies:

If you feel that I have made a mistake in calculating your grade, please see me.  Please save your labs and classwork until the end of the semester, especially if you wish to bring a grade discrepancy to my attention.


Students with individual needs or accommodations should contact me as soon as possible outside of class.

Field trip:

There is no formal or required field trip for this class, however I propose leading a voluntary field trip on a weekend in October or November. There may be extra credit for going on the field trip.


Please end all private conversations once class begins.   Arrive on time to class.  If you arrive late, please enter quietly and take a seat near the door. If you must leave early, please tell me before class that you will leave early and take a seat near the door.  Please also turn off all cell phones, watch alarms, and pagers during class.  Please do not eat food during class.

Last update 8/25/2019
Webpage designed by Hiram Jackson.
Contact Geology webmanager, Hiram Jackson, at