Geology 300: Optional book report project


adding up to ten points to FINAL GRADE average


to encourage reading and evaluation scientific literature


1. Choose a geologically relevant book from the list below; check with me when you choose your book (I prefer not to have too many folks reading the very same book)
2. Read it!
3. Paper must be at least 1,500 words in length, typed (12 pt. standard font - palatino, for example), double spaced, 1" margins.
In your essay, please address the following questions:

a. Summarize the book in a page and a half. What are some major themes and topics? What are specific examples to illustrate those topics?

b. What specific topics covered in your physical geology class are discussed in the book you read? Limit, one page.  Explain how the book went into more detail on these topics than perhaps we did in class.

c. What is your opinion of the book? Give specific examples of why you liked or disliked the book.


May 15, 11:59 p.m.  No projects will be accepted after that day or on the day of the final.  This assignment will be submitted through Canvas.  It will go through a "plagiarism check," and you will get a chance to evaluate the score before making a final submission.

Suggested books:

In addition to these, check those at the end of the chapters in your textbook under "suggested readings."  If you want to select a book other than what's listed here, please bring the book to me first to okay it.


Albritton, Claude C.

Abyss of Time

Alvarez, Walter

T. Rex and the Crater of Doom, 1998

Carson, Rachel

The Sea Around Us, 1950

Cone, Joseph

Fire Under the Sea, 1991

Cutler, Alan
            The Seashell on the Mountaintop: a story of science, sainthood, and the humble genius who discovered a new history of Earth, 2003

Darwin, Charles

Voyage of the Beagle

Fagan, Brian

The Little Ice Age, 2001

Fortey, Richard
            Trilobite!, 2000
            Earth: an Intimate History, 2004

Glen, William

Road to Jaramillo, 1982

Gore, Al

Earth in the Balance, 1992

Gould, Stephen Jay

Bully for Brontosaurus, 1992

Dinosaur in a Haystack, 1995

Eight Little Piggies

Ever Since Darwin

Flamingo's Smile, 1987

Hen's Teeth and Horse's Toes, 1984

Panda's Thumb

Wonderful Life, 1986

Harrington, John W.

Dance of the Continents

Harris, Stephen L.

Agents of Chaos

Hsu, Kenneth

The Great Dying

The Mediterranean was a Dessert, 1987

Johanson, Donald

Lucy: The Beginnings of Humankind

Lewis, Cherry

The Dating Game: One Man's Search for the Age of the Earth

McCoy, Roger
            Ending in Ice, 2006

McPhee, John

Basin and Range

In Suspect Terrane

Rising from the Plains

Assembling California

Encounters with the Archdruid

Control of Nature

Mount, Jeffrey

California Rivers and Streams

Reisner, Marc

Cadillac Desert
A Dangerous Place: California's Unsettling Fate

Repcheck, Jack
            The Man Who Found Time, 2003

Rudwick, Martin

The Meaning of Fossils

Walker, Gabrielle

Snowball Earth: The Story of the Great Global Catastrophe that Spawned Life as We Know It

Ward, Peter

 Gorgon: paleontology, obsession, and the greatest castrophe in Earth's History


Winchester, Simon
             The Map that Changed the World: William Smith and the Birth of Modern Geology
             Krakatoa:  The Day the World Exploded: August 27, 1883
             Crack in the Edge of the World: America and the Great California Quake of 1906

Last update 3/20/2019