Exam 3 Review Material – Physical Geology




alluvial fan


base level

bed load

braided stream


drainage pattern

dentritic pattern

trellis pattern

rectangular pattern

radial pattern


dissolved load



drainage basin

flood plain

hydrologic cycle

incised meander


     meander cutoff

natural levee

oxbow lake

point bar

cut bank


stream gradient

stream terrace

suspended load



yazoo tributaries

confining layer

artesian well

cone of depression

confined (artesian) aquifer

ground water

karst topography




saturated zone





unconfined aquifer

unsaturated zone

water table


barrier reef

fringing reef


continental shelf

shelf break

continental rise

continental slope

abyssal plain

mid-ocean ridge

ocean trenches

fracture zone

mantle plume

active margin

passive margin



  1. What is base level?
  2. What is gradient?
  3. What are three general styles of river erosion?
  4. What are three stages of river evolution?
  5. What features are found in each stage?  What type of gradient?  What energy level?  What size sediments are deposited in each stage?
  6. How does the shape of a river channel affect the flow of a river?
  7. Where across a river channel does water flow fastest?
  8. What is a river basin?  A divide?
  9. What are tributaries?
  10. What are meanders?  Point bars?  Cutbanks?  Oxbow lakes?  How do the y change over time?
  11. What are ways (three) that rivers carry material down stream?  Discuss how each process works.
  12. What is a floodplain?  How do they relate to river stages?
  13. What are natural levees?  How does river energy change when it goes from regular to flood stage?
  14. What are back swamps?  Yazoo tributaries?  How do they relate to natural levees?
  15. What are deltas?  Distributaries?
  16. How does the position of a river channel/delta change/migrate over time?  Give an example?
  17. Why does the Mississippi River delta have the shape (birdfoot delta) that it does?
  18. How do dams affect river processes?  What are some functions of dams?
  19. What are some examples of stream drainage patterns?  What landscape/bedrock/ structures influence each drainage pattern?
  20. What are river bars?  Braided streams?
  21. In what conditions do braided streams form?
  22. What are alluvial fans?
  23. How does urbanization affect runoff/flooding?
  24. What are some strategies/structures for controlling floods?
  25. What is the hydrologic cycle?  How do rivers/streams & groundwater fit into hydrologic cycle?
  26. What is porosity?  Permeability?
  27. How does the amount of groundwater on Earth compare to other fresh water sources?
  28. What are examples of high/low porosity/permeability?
  29. What is an aquifer?  confining layer?
  30. What is a confined aquifer?  Unconfined aquifer?  Artesian aquifer?
  31. What is the unsaturated zone? Saturated zone?
  32. What is the water table?  How does the water table vary with the topography of the land?
  33. Comment on rates of groundwater flow.  (velocity through what rock types?)
  34. What is a spring? What are some features seen when water tables intersect the round surface?
  35. How does a changing water level affect active wells/springs?
  36. What happens locally to the water table around a well?
  37. What are some examples of groundwater contamination?
  38. How can excessive pumping of groundwater affect topography?
  39. What is karst topography?  What are some features of karst topography?  How do they form?

40.   What is the difference between active and passive margins?

41.   How do fringing reefs develop into atolls?