Geology 305 -- Earth Science -- Spring 2017

Course description: Earth Science is an introductory course covering major topics in geology, oceanography, meteorology, astronomy, scientific method, and philosophy of science. This course is designed for non-science majors. 
learning objectives:
SLO#1: Apply the Scientific Method to evaluating Earth science processes.
SLO#2: Evaluate temporal and spatial dimensions in which Earth originated and exists.
SLO#3: Apply plate tectonic theory to formulate geologic settings for physical processes.
SLO#4: Examine how we determine Earth's interior and solid surface compositions
SLO#5: Investigate how different aspects of atmospheric change contribute to weather and climate.
SLO#6: Survey Earth's basic marine processes.
SLO#7: Assess the impacts of Earth processes on human activity, and human activity on Earth processes.
Class time: TTh, 9-10:20 AM. The last day of regular class is Thursday, May 11.   There will be no class scheduled scheduled for the week of April 10 -- 16 due to Spring Break.

The final is scheduled for Tuesday, May 16 from 8-10 a.m.

Class room: Cosumnes River College, SCI-109
Instructor: Hiram Jackson
Office: SCI 111
tel: (916) 691-7605 (rollover to voice mail)
Teaching style: Interactive lecture, along with videos, overhead transparencies, slides, computers animations, and maps.
Notes: Copies of some class notes may be available on the class  webpage at . If you do not have access to the internet, you can access it through various computer centers on campus.
Units: This course is worth three units of physical science  lecture credit.  A lab for Geology 305 is offered under the catalog listing, Geology 306, Earth Science Lab, is meant to complement this class.  Geology 305 is a pre- or co-requisite for the lab.  Geology 306 is offered on Tuesdays from 7 p.m. to on the CRC campus. 

Students intending to pursue a teaching credential will find this class most useful, as it is part of the "blended" program.

Office hours: Monday: 1:30-2:30 p.m.
Wednesday: 8-9 a.m.
Tuesday/Thursday: noon-1 p.m.
Fridays: 11:30 - 12:30 (1/27, 2/10, 2/24, 3/10, 3/31, 4/7, 4/28, 5/12)

or by appointment, room SCI 111
Please see my class schedule for more information.
Textbook: Earth Science, 14th ed. (2015) by Tarbuck and Lutgens which is available for sale in the CRC bookstore.  This course will require a code to get onto the publisher's website for this textbook

All of these books are available on reserve in the CRC Library.

Exams: There will be three midterms -- Feb. 2, March 7,  and April 20 -- and a final on Monday, May 16 from 8-10 a.m.. 
Study expectations:
You may expect that this class will require, on average, about 3 hours of outside study for each hour of class lecture for the average student to receive an average grade (C or B).  Efficient, effective studying can reduce some of that study time.  If you feel the need to improve your study skills, please consult your academic counselor.
You are expected to follow the reading material throughout the semester and to take notes as needed in lecture.  Advanced outside preparation (reading, reviewing notes) will assist your ability to understand the lecture material.
Homework: Homework is assigned every week and is due at the beginning of the next class period.  
Makeup policy: You must contact me before 9 a.m. on the scheduled day of an exam if you must miss an exam. Please briefly explain the nature of your absence, and when you expect to be able to make it up. Please be aware that I will not return graded exams until all makeups have been given. I generally expect makeups to be taken within a week of the scheduled exam (a test given on a Monday will have all make-ups done before class on the following Monday). In-class quizzes cannot be made up. I will allow for one missed quiz for the homework/quiz portion of the grade.
Cheating: You are expected to turn in your own work.  You are to take all exams based on what you remember from studying (no notes, textbooks, or anything else will be available).  Anyone caught cheating may face one or more of the following penalties: no grade for the assignment, an F for the course, probation or suspension from the college.  Plagiarism is also a category of cheating that may be punished in the same manner mentioned above.

Please consult the CRC Honor Code here for further related discussion.
Attendance policy: There is no specific penalty for absences, but with excessive absences you risk understanding the class material, not being able to take class quizzes or exams, or being dropped from the class roster. If you must be absent, please leave a message indicating what the nature of your absence is, and what arrangements you can make to make up the necessary work.
Grading: Homeworks and quizzes 30%
Midterms and written assignment: 50%
Final 20%

Optional project: replaces lowest test grade

Other projects may be announced later.

Grades will be calculated on the following scale:

90-100% A, 80-89% B, 70-79% C, 60-69% D, <60  oops!
Grades are a measure of your performance on assignments and tests in this class, and are not to be interpretted as any reflection of what I think of you as a person.  We hope that this measure of performance shows how well you understand and master the class material.  If you have comments or suggestions, please contact me.
Grade Discrepancies:
If you think that I have made a mistake in calculating your grade, please see me.  Please save your tests and homework if you wish to bring a grade discrepancy to my attention.
Note: Students with individual needs or accomodations should contact me as soon as possible outside of class.
Field trip: There is no formal or required field trip for this class, however I propose leading a voluntary field trip on a weekend day in March and April. There is no extra credit for going on the field trip, but it can help you with the optional project mentioned above.
Please end all private conversations once class begins.   Arrive on time to class.  If you arrive late, please enter quietly and take a seat near the door. If you must leave early, please tell me before class that you will leave early and take a seat near the door.  Please also turn off all cell phones, watch alarms, or anything else that might distract in class.  Please do not eat food during class.  Please respect your fellow classmates in their efforts to learn the material (no disrespect, raise hands for questions).

Last update 1/17/2017
Webpage designed by Hiram Jackson.
Contact Geology webmanager, Hiram Jackson, at